Source code for searchstringparser.parser.postgresql

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

PostgreSQL Search Token Parser

    Moritz Emanuel Beber
    Copyright |c| 2015, Max Plank Institute for Molecular Genetics,
    all rights reserved.

.. |c| unicode: U+A9

from __future__ import absolute_import

import ply.yacc as yacc

from ..lexer import GeneralSearchStringLexer

__all__ = ["PostgreSQLTextSearchParser"]

[docs]class PostgreSQLTextSearchParser(object): """ This parser implements the following rules using the tokens generated by an appropriate lexer. The goal is to generate a string for PostgreSQL full text search that conforms with the syntax understood by the function `tsquery or to_tsquery <>`_. The following rules are implemented which generate the correct query string. :: expression : expression expression | expression AND expression | expression OR expression | NOT expression | LPAREN expression RPAREN | QUOTE term QUOTE | WORD WILDCARD | WORD term : term SPACE term | term term | LITERAL_QUOTE | SYMBOL """ # noqa precedence = ( ("left", "OR"), ("left", "AND", "SPACE"), ("right", "NOT"), ("left", "WILDCARD") )
[docs] def __init__(self, lexer=None, **kw_args): """Parser instantiation. Parameters ---------- lexer : ply.lex (optional) Any ply.lex lexer instance and generates the tokens listed in the rules. The default uses a GeneralSearchStringLexer instance. kw_args : Keyword arguments are passed to the ply.yacc.yacc call. """ super(PostgreSQLTextSearchParser, self).__init__() self.lexer = GeneralSearchStringLexer() if lexer is None else lexer self.tokens = self.lexer.tokens self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kw_args)
[docs] def parse(self, query, **kw_args): """Parse any string input according to the rules. Parameters ---------- query : str A string expected to conform with the search query syntax. kw_args : Keyword arguments are passed on to the ply.yacc.yacc.parse call. Returns ------- str A string that can directly be passed to the PostgreSQL functions `tsquery or to_tsquery <>`_. """ # noqa self.lexer._invalid = list() self.lexer._invalid_pos = list() return self.parser.parse(query, lexer=self.lexer, **kw_args)
[docs] def get_illegal(self): """Inspect encountered illegal characters. Returns ------- None If no illegal characters occurred. Tuple A pair of lists that contain the illegal characters and the positions where they occurred. """ self.lexer.get_illegal()
def p_error(self, p): if p is None: if self.lexer.parens_level > 0: raise SyntaxError( "{0:d} mismatched parentheses! Last opening" " parenthesis at position {1:d}.".format( self.lexer.parens_level, self.lexer.last_lparens )) elif self.lexer.last_quote is not None: raise SyntaxError("Unclosed quote at position {0:d}.".format( self.lexer.last_quote )) # else: # there should be no other EOF syntax errors # raise SyntaxError("Syntax error at EOF!") if self.lexer.parens_level < 0: raise SyntaxError( "{0:d} mismatched parentheses! Last closing" " parenthesis at position {1:d}.".format( abs(self.lexer.parens_level), self.lexer.last_rparens )) else: raise SyntaxError(str(p)) def p_expression_space(self, p): """expression : expression expression %prec AND""" p[0] = "{0} & {1}".format(p[1], p[2]) def p_expression_and(self, p): """expression : expression AND expression""" p[0] = "{0} & {1}".format(p[1], p[3]) def p_expression_or(self, p): """expression : expression OR expression""" p[0] = "{0} | {1}".format(p[1], p[3]) def p_expression_unot(self, p): """expression : NOT expression""" p[0] = "!{0}".format(p[2]) def p_expression_parens(self, p): """expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN""" p[0] = "({0})".format(p[2]) def p_expression_quoted(self, p): """expression : QUOTE term QUOTE""" p[0] = "'{0}'".format(p[2]) def p_expression_word_wildcard(self, p): """expression : WORD WILDCARD""" p[0] = "{0}:*".format(p[1]) def p_expression_word(self, p): """expression : WORD""" p[0] = p[1] def p_term_term_space_term(self, p): """term : term SPACE term""" p[0] = "{0} {1}".format(p[1], p[3]) def p_term_term_term(self, p): """term : term term %prec WILDCARD""" p[0] = "{0}{1}".format(p[1], p[2]) def p_term_literal_quote(self, p): """term : LITERAL_QUOTE""" p[0] = "''" def p_term_symbol(self, p): """term : SYMBOL""" p[0] = p[1]