Source code for searchstringparser.lexer.general

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

General Search String Token Lexer

    Moritz Emanuel Beber
    Copyright |c| 2015, Max Plank Institute for Molecular Genetics,
    all rights reserved.

.. |c| unicode: U+A9

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import ply.lex as lex

__all__ = ["GeneralSearchStringLexer"]

[docs]class GeneralSearchStringLexer(object): """ """ states = ( ("quoting", "exclusive"), ) # List of token names. This is always required tokens = ( "WORD", "WILDCARD", "NOT", "AND", "OR", "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "SYMBOL", "LITERAL_QUOTE", "SPACE", "QUOTE" ) # A string containing ignored characters (spaces and tabs) t_ignore = " \t\r\n\f\v" # whitespace (interpreted literally not as regex) # Regular expression rules for simple tokens t_WORD = r"\w+" t_WILDCARD = r"\*" t_NOT = r"-|~|!|not\b|NOT\b" t_AND = r"&{1,2}|and\b|AND\b" t_OR = r"\|{1,2}|or\b|OR\b" # rules for 'quoting' state t_quoting_ignore = "" t_quoting_SYMBOL = r"([^'\"\s\\]|\\(?!'|\"))+" # anything but other tokens
[docs] def __init__(self, illegal="ignore", **kw_args): """A composite class of a ply.lex.lex. This is the setup step necessary before you can iterate over the tokens. Parameters ---------- illegal : {'record', 'ignore', 'error'} (optional) Action to be taken when illegal characters are encountered. The default is to record them but continue without regarding them. kw_args : Keyword arguments are passed to the ply.lex.lex call. """ super(GeneralSearchStringLexer, self).__init__() # TODO: pick between different error handling methods self.lexer = lex.lex(module=self, **kw_args) self.parens_level = 0 self.last_lparens = 0 self.last_rparens = 0 self.last_quote = None self._quote_start = None self._invalid = None self._invalid_pos = None
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.lexer, attr) def __iter__(self): return (tok for tok in iter(self.lexer.token, None))
[docs] def input(self, data): """Add a new string to the lexer. This is the setup step necessary before you can iterate over the tokens. Parameters ---------- data : str Any string. """ self.lexer.push_state("INITIAL") self.parens_level = 0 self.last_lparens = 0 self.last_rparens = 0 self.last_quote = None self._quote_start = None self._invalid = list() self._invalid_pos = list() self.lexer.input(data)
[docs] def get_illegal(self): """Return encountered illegal characters. Returns ------- None If no illegal characters occurred. Tuple A pair of lists that contain the illegal characters and the positions where they occurred. """ if not self._invalid: return None return self._invalid, self._invalid_pos
# inspect output
[docs] def print_tokens(self, data): """Print all tokens in a string. First iterates through all tokens found and prints them to sys.stdout. Then prints illegal characters if any occurred. Parameters ---------- data : str Any string. """ self.input(data) for tok in self: print(tok) if self._invalid: print("Invalid character(s):", ", ".join(self._invalid)) print("at position(s):", ", ".join([str(x) for x in self._invalid_pos]))
# Error handling rule def t_ANY_error(self, t): self._invalid.append(t.value[0]) self._invalid_pos.append(t.lexpos) t.lexer.skip(1) def t_LPAREN(self, t): r"\(" self.parens_level += 1 self.last_lparens = t.lexer.lexpos - 1 return t def t_RPAREN(self, t): r"\)" self.parens_level -= 1 self.last_rparens = t.lexer.lexpos - 1 return t # quoting state def t_quoting_LITERAL_QUOTE(self, t): r"\\'|\\\"" return t def t_QUOTE(self, t): r"'|\"" self._quote_start = t.lexer.lexpos self.last_quote = t.lexer.lexpos - 1 t.lexer.push_state("quoting") return t def t_quoting_QUOTE(self, t): r"'|\"" # handle different quote inside quote if t.value != t.lexer.lexdata[self._quote_start - 1]: t.type = "LITERAL_QUOTE" return t self.last_quote = None t.lexer.pop_state() return t def t_quoting_SPACE(self, t): r"\s+" return t